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Bali - Indonesia

Jumat, 15 November 2013

The Four King Islands Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat or 'Four Kings' is the name given to these islands. A name that comes from a local myth. The four main islands are Waigeo, Salawati, Batanta, Misool which is an ancient stone paintings.

Rabu, 13 November 2013

LABUAN BAJO The Dragon Adventure Gate

Labuan Bajo is a beautiful little harbor at the western tip of Flores island, and is the entrance to the Komodo National Park, and other wonders of the island of Flores. At sunset, Labuan Bajo offers spectacular scenery, while small islands overlooking the harbor dramatic silhouette creates a magical effect, as bizarre as what, you have to come and see for yourself.

Selasa, 12 November 2013

Wild Adventure On Komodo Dragon Island

    Soothe your nerves and release your mind for Adventure Travel in this amazing place. While at the Park just as if you were on another planet, a very memorable experience and unforgettable when visiting.

Minggu, 10 November 2013

The Virgin Island - Gili Terawangan

Maybe you 've traveled several times to come and surf on the island of Bali and maybe this time you 're looking for an alternative that is close to other tourist island of Bali . Indeed, the island of Bali and everything in it will not be boring but deflect you step onto the island to the right that will leave a distinct impression or maybe you can make a comparison .

Sabtu, 09 November 2013

Bali The Paradise Island

Bali is known as the island of gods , thousand temples island , or an island paradise . Outstanding natural beauty , like a volcano that looks close and big , endless green rice fields that provide a sense of peace and tranquility , as well as the grains of sand and the beauty of the sea is amazing . Feel by your gentle breeze and clouds in the sky -wine seems to be offering endless natural beauty .