Come to the Komodo National Park in East Nusa Tenggara. There is beauty waiting for you here, not to mention the wealth of underwater life. While on it emblazoned islands beautiful white sand, until the pink sandy beautiful when the sun is addressed.
Komodo is a big giant lizard-like creature with 2-3 m in length and weigh up to 165 kg, or 100 kg when empty stomach. Although creepy appearance, dragons are active hunters are not animals, they are a patient predator. In the wild, Komodo dragons hunt prey usually weak or has been injured. They only took one bite to paralyze their prey. After stalking its prey, sometimes for days, dragons will eat its prey that was dying.
Although large in size, scaly, sharp nails, protruding forked tongue, as well as the ancient form but you do not need to be afraid to look at it as sordid as any visitors including you who want to see these animals will be accompanied by a ranger who is also a charmer. You only live comply with all instructions and the advice of experienced guides.
Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) is a rare species that are endangered, you can only find in the Komodo National Park. Due to the uniqueness and rarity, Komodo National Park declared as a World Heritage Site and a Man and Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1986. Scientific world first discovered in 1911 by JKH Van Steyn. Since then later expand their conservation goals as well as to protect the entire biodiversity, both marine and terrestrial.

Your feet will be a very reliable friend this island. For an experience like no other is then exhausted your feet walking will pay off. If you want to see these animals in their natural habitat, you have to walk to the nearest hill with pathway has been designed.
Komodo Island, you have to climb Mount Ara as high as 538 m above sea level for 3 or 4 hours. Rinca Island, you have to do trekking for 1.5 hours. If you are lucky, you can see the dragon that is attacking its prey, fighting, or is running slowly along the road.
If you see the dragons are too wild for you, then why not visit the park to see a bunch of deer, bison, or wild horses.
If you want to rent a boat then available starting from IDR 350.000,00 / day and this depends on the distance.

Here also you can do another activity such as diving and snorkeling. You can also go to sea by boat or fishing boat display. Some suggested dive sites is Red Beach, Batu Bolong, and Tatawa Island.

Red Beach, you will enjoy the beautiful beaches of pink sand. As the waves swept the sand changes color pink widened. Beaches as there are only an estimated 7 in the world. Coral reefs under the sea is amazing because it is inhabited by a variety of colorful fish such as bat fish, butterfly fish, and clown fish. Estimated at 1000 species of fish, 260 species of coral reefs, and 70 species of sponge. How, interested?
When you are on a boat do not be surprised when greeted by dolphins, even if lucky you can see green sea turtles or whales swim in these waters.
If you want to see thousands of bats then you can stay in a motorboat on Kalong Island waters near the island of Rinca....

Every day there are 2 to 3 flights from Bali to Labuan Bajo with Transnusa, IAT (Indonesia Air Transport), and Merpati. In addition, there are flights twice a week from Kupang. Connecting inter-island motor boat from Sape in West Nusa Tenggara are also available daily, weather permitting, or boat from Bali and Lombok PELNI stop here every two weeks.
Ground transportation from the East as in mainland Flores, Ruteng, Bajawa, Ende and Maumere also available. If you are interested to travel far in Flores, you can start from Maumere to the west like, Moni, Kelimutu, Ende, Bena, Bajawa, Ruteng, Labuan Bajo and last (Komodo Island) or the round trip.
- Do not go alone. Better to go with a tour guide or park ranger.
- Do not disturb or feed the dragons. Although the movement is slow and lazy, these animals can suddenly become aggressive and move quickly.
- When doing trekking, take a forked stick. Bullied are usually afraid of dragons with sticks.
- Wear shoes. Islands of Komodo, Rinca, and Pidar has 12 species and 3 of them are poisonous snakes, green snakes that live in trees, cobras and russel's viper pit that live in savanna grassland soil.
- Women who are menstruating should report to the officer island tour or for more attention. Komodo has a keen sense of smell and can become aggressive if smell blood.
- Bring insect repellent or use mosquito repellent.
- Most places on the island of Komodo and Rinca is savanna grassland flammable during the dry season, so no smoking and start a fire.
- In Loh Liang, Komodo National Park management (PT Putri Naga Komodo) provides a restaurant. There is no restaurant on the island of Rinca. There is only one kiosk selling drinks and snacks. If you stay at home then you will get food. If you rent a motor boat, the rental price is usually included, but you should confirm when negotiating
As in Loh Liang (Komodo Island) then at Loh Buaya (Rinca Island) also has a simple guesthouse with a few rooms. Luxury hotel with limited capacity is being built in Loh Liang. Most tourists who visit the island of Rinca not stay here, they come from Labuan Bajo and stay in hotels in Labuan. Tourists who come to the island of Komodo usually stay in a rented motorboat. Almost all boat has a cabin and bedroom. Boat motors typically have a comfortable bed.

Guard Houses Komodo Island
National park rangers home that has been renovated into a stylish accommodation ecology, with modern amenities such as private bathrooms, a limited power supply, eating. Just steps to the beach Loh Liang. Home keeper into alternative accommodation for tourists who for various reasons can not sleep in a motorboat.
Puri Komodo Resort, Batu Rub

Ecology cottage Bajo under Iniradef non-profit organization. The institute is developing local human resources as well as conservation of environmentally friendly buildings. The program was well received by the local community. Here the hot water using solar energy, there is a water storage systems, and sewage treatment for the plantation.
Accommodation boat from Labuan Bajo
Simple beds with mattresses on the deck enough for small groups up to 4 people, food is cooked directly over the ship, available in bottles of mineral water, and a simple toilet.

Accommodation Boats depart from Bima
Larger boats with cabins, dining facilities, and safety equipment, available for tourists who come to Komodo via Bima. Despite spending more than 7 hours in the water, a comfortable facility in a better boat than the boat from Labuan Bajo.
by Beni Wiranta
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